
Showing posts from January, 2012


On the 21st of the month, it's our beloved Ah Boo's 22nd birthday!  So her thoughtful boy Adrian planned out this surprise dinner with WS just for her! How sweet right?!  So we all reached and got settled down at Hippopotamus located at Marina Square.  And tada, birthday girl with her birthday gifts! Zara bag and a Coach Wristlet! And here comes the food *drools* Appetizer: Teriyaki Chicken on sticks actually forgotten the name of it. so LOL See see RAW BEEF SLICES.  Was initially grossed out by it but it taste okay I guess? The lemon and cheese made the taste okay and it's quite chewy and juicy. GO TRYYY!  They have one which is a chuck of raw minced beef and that's too gross already seriously :s Healthy Salad!  Some beef with Green beans and Potato Gratin Beef again with fries Grill chicken with rice and baked potato.  Along with sour cream and cheeseeeee! Beef again~ with baked potato and Ratatoui...

