Baby I still believe
Woke up late and skipped morning lecture as usual. Baby fetched me to school and we had breakfast at North. And I think someone had fallen in love with BOMB. It's prata with sugar and butter, thus it's sweet and smells damn nice. And obviously it taste great too. Had Presentation, guess eveything went smoothly and had lab lessons. Chilled with Ashley at Library's Cafe till 1630 and went to wait for training to start. I studied Biology! ICA next week! Training started and we did gym, funny stuff happened there, and we wanted to swim but there was lightning -.- went into the water at 2030 and swam for awhile. Met Baby at MRT and he send me home like he did for the past 2 mths. :D
I'm currently trying my very best. Yes and I will continue to put in faith and trust. Seeing you sad really makes me unhappy as well. There are loads of things I'm unable to express using words. Far too complicated and sophisticated to use alphabets to describe, it wouldn't do those feelings any justice. Cause they're not just any feelings, they are feelings for you Baby.
They are Special.
They are Special.