if I had kids

Went for the gathering just now, it's fun to hang around and spend time with my family, especially my cousins. Well all the guys are now in Sec school at least (except one) while the girls are all in primary or younger (except one). So I had to carry one around and I'm like the ride for the day. When I put her down she just cling onto my fat legs and keep "jiejie please" me. Super cute! So I changed to piggyback instead, my arms were breaking then. Haha. I gave the card game and mahjong a miss this time, well I'll be back for the next round! I'm always there when there's any chance of gambling. Birthday boy's growing up! :D And baby cousin was fascinated by my phone, and she played with it just because she saw me texting Baby, the lights, the screen changing and the alphabets that appear and disappear, super cute. Didn't managed to take much pictures though.

Baby Cousin!

She loves my phone.

Thanks to JiaLong, I realised something finally. Well, it's his truthfulness that made me like him so much. Like as in as a friend kind of like. Never had I felt that he is a nuisance or someone I dislike.
I'd always know that, but I didn't know that was so serious. I just thought it was some minor stuff or mistakes I'd made and I'd changed. But no, today I was totally dumbstrucked. That was a good example and yes, I'm wrong.
He just know me so well, my character and pattern. Like the competition form, yes he knows me well.
"What if someone do that to you? How would you feel?"
"I feel ok lor."
"You sure anot? You won't feel OK one lor."

Yesyes I will not feel okay at all, I will be damn annoyed and offended. You guessed it Long. You can't blame him, it might sound crude but yeap thats the fact. I have to thank him seriously. We used to pick on each other mistakes all the time and telling them at the end of the day. I guess he cared, if not he wouldn't bother telling me at all. Thanks man! :)
And thank you JiaLong and EugeneLim for lending me your shirts! I was freezing.

I'm not going to get infuriated by you this time. Carry on doing it and soon, people are going to hate you. You keep talking about Karma. What about you? Ever thought of Karma getting back at you for bad-mouthing people behind their back? If you got the guts, say it right in his face, thrash things out infront of him, me and your current. How about that?


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