I'm using drastic measures
I'm in lecture hall now and supposed to be paying attention to Biology lecture on Respiratory System. I've a piece of assignment undone and it's due at 4pm later on and I'm done with HS1089 slides.I skipped school on tuesday due to the fact that i woke up only at 1.30pm, waking up to see 40 plus missed calls on my phone's screen. I spent the day lazing at home until the kuku boy came.
Well, things got settled and went to nap for about an hour and went for movie. I didn't go to school, so I didn't self-train and swim. :(
Lab Sessions yesterday was super crappy. It was a cam-whore session again. Took tonnes of pictures and we totally wasted the 2 hours of practice session. Went to AMKhub with Shimin after that, was supposed to hunt for presents but we went to lepak and jalan around. Saw this super cute ring case and it would be super duper sweet if some guy ever present his girl with it. Went back to school and attended a briefing session for some stimulation program. Went to the pool and waited for training to start. And again, 3 people turned up for training, fs and nigel were working. Did 400m warm-up, 1km paddling, 500m swim, 200 board kick and 6x50m finnings. Had Sushi after that.
wouldn't it be nice
I'M GOING FOR SWIMTRAINING LATER ! I want more land trainings to get rid of the flabs!!! HAHAHA!
Things are changing for the better and hopefully this kind of things would not repeat in the future. But still I do hope things get back to what they were like in the past and will never ever deteriorate.