chlorine's the love :)
School was alright today. 2 hours of CFC lecture was nothing more than heart-to-heart talks with Liping Boyf & Ashley! I know I'm pretty noisy in the lecture hall but I cant really contain my "excitment" about recent events, I had to let it out! Yes, 1 hour break was up at library's cafe. Bitching about life, people and of cause, we did some real insulting. I might seemed evil now, but nope, after you know the full story(which you will not), you will realise how nice I am. Too much I tell you. Yes, went for elective like finally and guess what, IT WAS FUN! So ended the 3 hour lecture, went to the pool to wait for training to start.
And yes, Jolene Wong came and she updated me with some stuff. Yes, I've been missing out loads of stuff during my this month of disappearance from trainings. And Melissa is happy now. Glad for her :D Everyone is changing status except DannyYeo! Hahaa.
Streching followed by warm-up. We started in the deep end of the pool today. Something new to me at least. 400m warm-up was okay, and whats next was hell-1.5km of Butterfly. Ya, I nearly died! Stiff muscles, Inflexible hips and flabby arms, but somehow someway I managed to finish it. And whats next was even worse. Everyone felt damn "chui" after the 1.5k and we did 50m butterfly sprints. -.- Today is PURE FLY TRAINING. zzzzzzz! Hate Uncle Louis somehow. Hahahaha. Polo training was as fun as ever. I still suck at handling, yes SUCKZXZXZXZXZXZXZ! Had a great laugh watching the guys play the "water-rugby" thing, especially Mr Captain, funny mistakes he made today. Hahaha. Baby came and fetched me home :)
Give me some time
the feeling of rejection
Give me some time please. I need to really straighten out my thoughts and really decide on the correct thing to do now.I know it isn't fair for you, but we would not be happy. It's all my fault. Curiosity kills the cat yes indeed. It kills pigs too. Dumbo Big Fat Pigs like me. I feel a knife stabbing into my Cardiac muscles yesterday. Sorry, I'm afraid it would be hard to return to what we used to be this instance, however I will try. I'm sorry.