I know you asked me to hold on

Caught the movie Bolt with stupid pig yesterday. The movie is superb and I swear you will be attracted by the cuteness of the characters especially the fat hamster. Went to play pool with this pig and his friends. Haha I love this stupid pig so much.
And I sprained my stupid ankles just now while I was walking to yck mrt station. I swear it was the most retarded thing that can happen to anyone. Shall not elaborate on it. Seriously! I'll see if I can go for land training tomorrow, I've been missing all the runs and gym sessions for lifeguards training. Super fat Super fat Super fat. Zz
I've just taken a bath with hothothot water, my stupid leg hurt like mad and the warm water did some soothing effect. Am now ice-ing my swelling ankle and later on a crepe bandage. Lucky I paid attention during skills lab, now I can put my practice into real use for my first patient-me. Thanks to Jasmine Auntie for the tips and info on treating-a-sprained-ankle.
And I've tagged 5 people to do a "quiz" thingy on my livejournal. (LiPing Boyf, AshleyYeo, AndyYek, MelissaChoo and Jialong.)

Ok I've decided to unlock some parts of my livejournal, so now it's about 85% locked? HAHA who cares? The main point is I've decided to reveal some stuff of my livejournal.


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