I love the beach. Do you?

Ok days have passed without beach trainings and I am really beginning to miss it. And I really hope to have the sun out next Sunday morning, as beach trainings are resuming next week. Oh man I'm so looking forward to it, the feeling of anticipation is indescribable, even though I know I'm going to get killed during the training.
Lifesaving lesson just now, everything was quite normal. And fate really toys with people's life and happiness. Like when you thought everything is well-planned and you're about to spend time usefully with someone you really care about, something else cock up. Total turn off really. Ask me for the details if any kaypos want to know.
And I'm not really feeling good with the muscleaches and Gabriel and Jieying, I need some massage now! HAHA! And this is the first time I'm getting this kind of shit stuff happening to me. Really very gross and disgusting. Super duper sickening. Shall not elaborate on it. Fucking hell.
Sun-tanning session needed

Anyone free to sun-tan on sunday mornings?


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