Romeo take me to somewhere we could be alone

Busy with test and presentations for the past few days, today will be the last paper of the term. Studied with Gariel and Ibnu yesterday after training till 10pm, I really hope it helps a little, I really want a very good GPA this sem. Now i want a copy of Jarvis to do my homework, so ironic isn't it? First I dreaded studying and now I'm "inspired" to study. Tsk.
Oh training yesterday was torturous. We did sit-ups x25, pumpings x20, stretch jumps x20, arm swings front and back with weights x36rounds, arm swings both arms without weights x36rounds, 3 sets of everything. After that, we went for a 1km swim. There's a H2O banner in the pool and we were doing sit ups under it. On the banner was 3 words, Hydrate, Inspire and Conquer. Mel was saying I'm dehydrating now, I'm not inspired and how to conquer. And I replied, we do not Conquer now, we are Conquered. Like totally, Chui to the max.
Time trials later, I think I can't give 100%. Giving 50% would be a major problem, I hate Louis!!! Pfft!
I'm going Vivo now to meet kuku, then off to school to do some last-min studying and be back home late at night.


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