
The ironic feeling, the clashes of emotions in you. Sometimes you just wanna break down, cry it all out, not because you are sad, but because you will feel better after that. I just wanna leave this place, to somewhere far far away where nobody knows me. I will start afresh, leading a new life. I wanna throw everything I have now away to be burden-free, to be able to not care at all. I wanna stay happy, that's all. Why is it so hard to achieve something so simple?

Rants aside, I had a fairly good day :) Training was superb, it's great to see attendance. This shows that people still cares. And for me, I wish for myself to swim like today for each and every trainings to come.

Expectations, I hate to let people down. But opps I did it again. Unknowingly. I'm sorry. Is this betrayal?


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