Sharp Shooter
I just wanna sleep and forget everything that had happened today. What is the cause of all these and what good do people actually gain? Seriously I have no idea. I do not know and I do not want to know. Just the thought of it digust me deep down into my bones and yes I feel ashame - ashame of those involved, ashame of myself. Come to think of it, I don't blame anyone, we are all human being and we all talk shit. No point getting so worked up on such matters and adopt some child acts. If winning this whole issue is what makes you happy, fine go ahead, we'll keep our mouth shut, I'll keep my mouth shut. Cause the whole world will know who's the one talking the real shit out there.
My eyes are all dried up from swimming wth contacts again, now staring at the screen is blinding. I've found my article to critic on (thankgoodness!) and I'm almost done with wednesday's slides. It's good job done, so let me assume that people do work better under stress. :) Alright I've gotten tomorrow off as it's graduation day. I'm gonna rush deadlines and train yet again.
I'm not going to talk about competition anymore. (major sigh)
My eyes are all dried up from swimming wth contacts again, now staring at the screen is blinding. I've found my article to critic on (thankgoodness!) and I'm almost done with wednesday's slides. It's good job done, so let me assume that people do work better under stress. :) Alright I've gotten tomorrow off as it's graduation day. I'm gonna rush deadlines and train yet again.
I'm not going to talk about competition anymore. (major sigh)