
I'm not someone who can do things alone, I'd rather be in a big group of wild, crazy people than to be eating lunch myself. Like AYSM, I'm rather dependent on friends. And being alone kind of means hell for me, not having people to talk to, text with. 48 hours is going to pass so darn slowly. It's going to be very quiet for the next few days, at least until Saturday. People are all going over to Malaysia over the long weekends and me, stuck here like a pathetic little ------ (wanted to type kitten but it sounds disgusting to be using it on me). I've kind of made plans for the next two days already, but still I feel very alone. Is it really just me cause I get this feeling of abandonment? Bahhhh whatever man seriously.

If all goes well, it's flea market store at Scape with WS girls, then training at night. Sat morning will be Splashdown at NUS and then meet Jas at night for dinner. Hopefully time will pass fast enough. :)

And yesterday I had a piece of awesome news. Relay events are taken into consideration for qualifications into Arafura trials! It's like a new form of motivation for me to train even harder! Hehee. Confessed to coach yesterday that I wanna get into Arafura and he said bluntly, you need to put in alot of effort in open water. Sigh, even though I know that already but still it's quite demoralizing to hear. Yesterday's training was very slack yet it was tiring. And coach kept pushing me, guess I'm really not good enough. Sigh, nevermind, will not stop swimming because of that.

Go Cherlyn :)


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