Okay today I woke up bright and early, got my ass down to Sentosa, spent 2 hours in the hot sun, kayaking and earn 30bucks! :D This is dope shit seriously. I LOVE FOCUS. Had lunch then met G and Jeremy. After they went to work, I went wondering around Vivo and ended up in F21 again. Then cannot control the urge so I got a cardigan and a top. Tsk. Then I got Liese Bubble Hair Dye and did my hair. The colour isn't that red but it looks more even now! :D Should ask someone to do it for me. And prolly because I didn't finish the whole bottle. Cause my head alot of bubbles already ehhhh! Next time won't be so super noob already.

G said his boss jio him mahjong. Ehhh I want mahjong can. ZOMG MAHJONG CRAZE IS BACK SERIOUSLY. If tuesday no 0827+1 outing I sure jio mahjong whole day one. Sianzxzxz. Okay I should stop thinking about mj and go sleep soon. Tmr's a long dayyyy.



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