
Sometimes courage is not loud. It is not bold and it does not necessarily be shown by doing something great. Having courage doesn't mean you have to stand up against people. It doesn't mean you have to be fearless. Having courage doesn't require you to be brave.

Sometimes courage is that small quiet thought which comforts your mind. Sometimes its that small voice which whispers, telling you that everything's gonna be okay despite all that has happened. Sometimes courage is closing your eyes, taking that deep breath, holding it in for a few seconds, exhaling and finally telling yourself to move on. Sometimes courage is finally allowing those memories to wake you up, allowing those tears to flow down your cheeks for that one last time and allowing that pain to wash you clean.

Have that courage to step of denial. Have that courage to stop making excuses for people. Have that courage to open up your eyes to see the full picture. Have that courage to set yourself free.


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