today is my BAD HAIR DAY. oh my god freaking digusting la !
woke up to find my hair BUSHY ! freakked out duh. all girls will. tried to put lotion, hair spray and water on my stupid ponytail ! and it still looks like a bunch of tied-up hayyy ! in the end tied my ponytail with 2 rubberbands. one top and one in the middle to prevent from tail from hayying ! Revolting !
big boss came to visit my workplace just now. he sat down, looking at files and i was like telling WanTing, " Eh give Rolland water lei. " Her : "dunno laaa. "
so in the end i pluck up my courage to bring 2 glass of water to him and a lady. when i was putting the glass, he looked at me, as though expecting me to say something, and i was stunned. and like looked back at him, smiling, he smiled back. and i was like " Err, Hello ! water for you." LOL ! i must looked stupid ! LIKE A DORK ! shiet man. hope that was a GOOD IMPRESSION ! yvonne ask me to recognise Rolland's and Desmond's faces. ( thats my bosses names ) . " you better remember their faces, if you do anything wrong. they can ask you to fuck off and then, BYE ! " good impression please. i dun wanna fk off for god's sake.

Changi General Hospital sent a letter to me, wanna sponsor my course fee in NYP ! sign contract. complete poly worked in CGH for 3 more years. basic pay 1.6k. IS THIS GOOD? omg i must consult Jasmine !!
& received a letter from CPF board say what insurance thing. zz still need deduct money ! NO MONEY IN CPF LA ! DEDUCT YOUR SALARY WANT? omfg. zz dunno what to do with all these "ADULT" things. c'mon ppl. i'm only SIXTEEN ! 16 ! ONE SIX ! ok i'm going nuts.

GUILD BBQ STUFF UNDONE OMFG ! now there's approx 20 guildies going =)
thats great ! x3 how many tonning? i dunno ! but it's going to be fun.



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