Happy birthday my girl! Finally nineteen like the rest of us and I hope you will enjoy your special day (without any doubt you will), even though you would and will be spending most of your day in the hospital. Well here's something for you. (Be prepared for words babe.)

The first day I met you, I couldn't really remember but I'm sure everyone remembered me on tthe first day of school, I was a joke. But I do remember us going for swim trials together and you were scared off (until today!) and then *fast forward-x10* you went into lifesaving field (am really glad you did!) and us training together after school. Really missed the time when we're still having school, you calling me while I'm walking in from yck mrt station telling me you just woke up and asking for an emergency attendance taking (I memorised your admin number so you owe me for the attendance thingy for basically the whole of year 3's academic year), Yong Tau Foo with fruit juice at North Canteen for lunch and also hanging out at the club room before trainings start, boy watching and gossipping! Also you were there when I needed you the most, urghhh I hate to bring it up but still thank you even though you don't know what to say or how to react to my hysteric cries and weirdo behaviour for almost a month, you were always there, sitting quietly by my side until I had enough and stopped for the day. Wouldn't know what to do without you, so again thank you! :) So I guess we don't owe each other anymore HAHAHHAA! There's many many but if I were to write out each and every one of them, I think blogger would have closed down already.

-p.s I think you better be touched and can start crying now. :)-

Thanks girl for being here by my side always. You were always there to share my joy and my sorrows and I really appreciate that alot. You laugh with me together at things or at people or at our own stupidity or other people's. We talked about everything and anything under the sun and even if we had squabbles ourselves once in a while, we'll end up fine. We've been through a lot during these 3 years and I might not have been the best friend anyone could have but you have never judge me before and accepted for whom I really am. And if we were really Gossip Girls in reality, I would be Blair Waldolf and you would be Serena Van der Woodsons. I'm the scheming, bitchy, manipulative one and you, the nice and understanding one HAHAHHAA! But please spare the boyfriend-bestfriend-sex-thingy I beg you LOL. Okay I've been watching too much Gossip Girls but yeah, no matter what happens I got your back girl, whoever dares to bully you, confirm die. Hahaha okay I think you get the idea. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Goodness I should go pray and thank all the gods I know that existed for your presence! We will, shall and must continue this healthy relationship for who-knows-how-long and I want to see you get married first, TEEHEEHEE! I only need to wait 6 more years you know.

Anyway if you survived that long long long long long long post, just want you to stay happy always and enjoy this last year of teenage-hood together (In the hospital mostly thanks to bond). Also thank you once again for being such an awesome friend during these 3 years, can't imagine what's life without you girl. Love you many.

Happy Birthday :)


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