
Firstly, thank you everyone who attended my birthday chalet. It was a blast no doubt and hope you guys enjoyed yourself too.

Chalet was fun with many many ups and a few downs! Hah but everything went smoothly and I'm glad I had this chalet, my last celebration of 'teenage-hood' was great! I had too much fun during chalet and got hangover the next day, couldn't sleep and couldn't really study and couldn't do anything. And whiteberry got activated! HEHEHE! :D

Next, tomorrow is management paper. One hour with 30 MCQs & 2 choose 1 SAQ (50%). Wasted my time really. Now I'm left with e-lectures which is in my whiteberry now. Gonna read them up later.

Suddenly got mind-block. Siao liao if tomorrow mind-block then die. But no matter, would have another module to accompany the existing. :/


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