what the hell is MOE & NYP doing? i did not receive any poly package yet. and some of my friends already went for their medical checkups. omfg. z. great ! maybe there's something wrong with the postman ! I'll try not to get another day off this week, unless i need to go down MOE & complain & fire their ass off. No efficiency at all ! OK now. i guess you're not here to see me rant about MOE being slow and all this shiet.

Worked today. No stress at all (: had 1 manager , 4 supervisers & 4 staff working today. working with KC / Jiajie / Zhi Chao / Wan Ping is fun . of cus not forgetting my beloved Ben Tan & Wan Ting ; "Eugene Sao" LOL ! we promised not to "自相残杀" LOL ! i totally agree with that. it's KC who gets all the entertainment in the end. =/

John jio me go watch L, Change the World. yea thats good ! i seriously need some entertainment in my life. If not i would be bored dead. dead ! next week probably. no time this week ! cause i'm working & working. maybe off on saturday. not sure yet. :)

i'm really addicted to swimming. like the training kind. really wanna go training on my own, like take my own timing and improve on it. but i just can't find the time. althou i'm working in the afternoon, i have no discipline to wake up early and go for a swim or morning jog round the stadium. people would laugh if i say i wanna take part in a biathlon. cus i CMI. omfg. really wanna take part laaaa. ok. i'll try my very very best to wake up tomorrow morning. like 8am. after exercise i wanna go queensway shopping centre to get my googles / swimcap / digi watch / track shoes. decided to pay my LS fees with my pay instead of living off my mummy. so good right? =P so i need to work hard & train hard. soon I'll need to mug hard too :)

chaos people.


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