I'm so wanting to hit the books and study again. now that those days are over, it's kinda strange not having a highlighter and hiding my face behind books and notes. the feeling is just so weird. N level results was out ytd. i wonder what would it be like during the result of O levels. GOD ! I'm scared. still wondering if Poly or Jc would be better for me? i loved to hit the books, only weeks & days before the exams =/ Poly has loads of hands on they say, but i hate projects and presentations and stuff like that. what if my results aint gd enough to go to a Jc? what course would i want if i go to a poly? what if my results are gd and i have to choose between the two? i certainly miss mugging for the big exams, cheating for physics, handing in a blank piece for foolscap for ss test, failing math papers and of cus stressing myself outside the examination hall ! wonder how my results would be like. worst case scenario : Mr Chia : hello Cherlyn ! Me : hello. Mr Chia : Co...