people people. haha, im back ! GOOD NEWS =D MIXED RELAY TEAM X403 GOT 2nd ! hahah. thanks tong for running super fast. credits to you =D got 3rd actually, some cock up in the timings resulting a push in my team's placing ! Jolene & Darren got 3rd, Samantha & Eddry got 4th ! =D went for Lifeguard trainings after that. hahas. HELLO JIEYING ! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY ! =)) Thurs = deciding to go for training anot, after much consideration, i got changed into my suit and went in. super duper happy with my swimming. not fast thou, but i know i did my best. no slacking at all ! haha. had polo, did passing. i must master my passing ! WORDS THAT CONTAIN SPIKES , I WILL SHOOT THEM BACK WITH WORDS CONTAINING DAGGERS ! hahaha, Thanks Julian ! =D Fri = FON ICA ! supposed to meet my grp at 9am in macs, but i woke up at 8.30am. haha. sorry guys, i know im always late ! so i put in the effort to wear NICER CLOTHES. went to meet them, pon-ed 1st hour of FON lecture, then went in for 2nd hr. ...
Showing posts from May, 2008
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TOMORROW IS NYP BIATHLON ! hahaha, super nervous can omfg ! hahahas. scared cant feel the water then cant "catch" the water and swim ahhhhhh ! omg la ! hahaahahahahhaa, and the rules are kinda weird thou. hahahs. anws to people looking at this post, 400m = 4 laps, 100m = 1 lap ! not the usual 8 laps=400m, 100m=2 laps. hahahahah REGRET IT NOW RIGHT !! woooooots ! so it's only the running part that is tough ! but, im not running hahahah ! =DD anw needa do up pshychology ICA alr ! hahas. can say is 35% DONE. and ICA is on next monday. IM SO DEAD ! FRIDAY IS FON ICA ! hope everything will go smoothly ! really hope to win something tmr can. FIRST MEDAL IN SCHOOL ! NOT ! hahahahas. FAT HOPE ! ok i have nth to say alr. =D
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ok somebody help me ! i'm having such a bad time now. =/ stupid ppt making me mad. and we're doing a skit for ICA. is that a right thing to do? i'm scared, but ppt ppt and ppt is borrringgggg ! andand at least something is getting me hyped up ! hahahahs. thinking of it just simpply puts a smile onto my face. LOL ! GSS IS NOW ON ! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooots ! can anyone go shopping with me ? =D ok i have nothing to post about. ANDAND i just remembered. THANKS DINIE FOR DOING PASSING WITH ME =D HAHAHHAHHA. thanks everyone for making my day. i seriously need to slim down zomggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg !
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hahahahas, i'm watching SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS now on NICKELODEON. ahhhahahahahhaha. super cute like the one typing this post now . LOL jks ! and i just came back from my LS training. waiting for my mama to buy me dinner. woke up in the morning and prepare to go polo training. met up with them and went to SA. did like 200m warm up i guess. tried to do tumble turn, super lousy at that. but wednesday needa use it, so no choice ! needa practice !! ahhhhhh ! did passing, then shooting, then watch them play game... then passing, then shooting, THENTHENTHEN, I WENT TO PLAY ! omg. anws i super lousy la. WeiJie shouted at me. boooo ~ anws, i marked jiamin , den she cramp ! johnathan sub -.- & i marked him instead. ANYHOW PULL ONE ! omgg ! shagged ! and i missed 2 goals la. AK keep scoring the other side. i'm lousy la !! needa train up more. went to eat lunch. had 2 bowls of rice. hahahs. and took train to batok. went wm buy some stuff and went to the pool to wait. hahas, did 2 men...
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i feel kinda guilty. cause i'm skipping lifeguard training later. i've got presentation on monday. and i didn't even know it until just now. super scared now. wtf. and i missed the lab session from 8am-10am. couldn't wake up omfg. did up the psychology presentation outlines ytd and mailed it over to miss vivien. monday there will be sociology presentation and our group haven even done it yet. and i don't know what to present la. what culture of thailand. ok so what about it -.- next is foundation of nursing ICA omg. whywhywhy. why all next week ! shiet man ! andand sociology test ! wtf. can don't all cramp together ? andand super suay can. attachment list is out. most people got into NUH and SGH. ok some TTSH and CGH. i'm in AH with 39 other ppl ! wtf is that la. this batch's intake was 600-700 students. and only 40 in AH, and i'm in ! WTF ! andandand i'm the only one in my class going AH ! 7 going NUH, 5 going SGH, 3 going CGH and 4 going TTSH. ...
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SWIMPOLO SENTOSA TRIP Monday , 19th May 2008. need i say more ? hahaahahahahahahah =DD ------------- tuesday: went back school. had a 6 hours break in between my lessons ! i was like omfg. ok so went to slack at macs while waiting for Audrey to come back. andand johnathan's clique came to sit on the same table. cus i 1 person took the VERYVERY BIG table. LOL ! and he kept disturbing me -.- after a while went to library to find half my class thr. lols. and met Audrey and went to swim =D totally no feeel omg ! after swim went back to library and met hong khoon and his friend to slack. went to lecture and met christy in hotshot for awhile, went to meet wilson and jialong for training. LOL ! ok so we did 500m warm up, and i trained my gliding, obstacle swim and did some kicking. they taught me butterfly, tumbleturn and the correct way of doing dolphine kick. hahas. andandand i can do underwater dolphine kick for 10m without breathing HAHAHAHA! and my timing suck totally. needa train...
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just came back from beach training at sentosa. haha. tomorrow im going sentosa again ! and i feel like training tmr. cause i need to really buck up on my surfboard alr. i need to beat the seniors, old birds, otherside clubs, and yep, my fellow year 1s. i attend beach trainings because i wanna train not because of the surfboarding ok weijie. met at harbourfront station. fs and wl were thr. wj came den we met leslie. nigel came last. there's only 6 of us, im the only girl -.- did jogging at first. one end to the bridge 2 times. and went swimming in the sea ! did swim and run & run and swim. i didn't really walk much during the running part, thats a big improvement alr. haha =) did drills for the surfing part and then did surfing. den kayaking. den had relay again ! =D ok la. my fault can omg. -.- anw nigel fs and i vs wj wl and leslie. ok la we lost -.- LOL really shagged man. had lunch at kfc. and now here i am . cant wait for thursday to come. and i'll show uncle louis ...
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went for polo in the morning, met up with superhotstar, thadmond, gary and leslie at potong pasir mrt. went to SA to play polo. did warm up and did passing. superhotstar taught me shooting ! haha ! practice awhile and i went to watch the game. like so many ? came to my mind can ? super blur alr. thanks andy for explaining to me. after that the guys had lunch and went home. =D went LS just now. they were like, wah you become so black ahh. LOL ! wth. -.- yes im tann alr ! now cherlyn is super moody can ? i've been like doing the wrong thing at the wrong time la. feel super useless can ? first, school. projects and ICA super lot. and all he deadlines are so close tgt, at week 8 la. still have test. and i dun even know a single shit. stupid can? swimteam, things had been happening. yes, for those who see this, i really dunno how i got into this "thing" can some kind soul enlighten me? and i did a very silly thing ! something which caused darling a lot of trouble. hais. super ...
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had swim and polo training yesterday. funfunfun ! =D tried gliding. and my arm hurts. coach says i didn't stretch properly & "injured my muscle" -.- cries can. pain LOL ! people say i've been pushing myself too hard. like training & training everyday. they're afraid i might overworked myself. thanks all who cared. love you guys i dunno why people have to do such silly things. i study psychology and sociology. i should be better at this kind of things. if you want attention, c'mon just say and we give you. not like you need the attention alr. and for goodness sake you are a GUY, don't go bitching about people behind their backs. and superstar is angry. bloody hell ! read this _|_ stop the gossiping or I'll ask somebody with a **** to _|_ you from the back ! stupid ass ! & i'll take a polo ball to ram hard in your face before you get _|_ ! if people believe in what you say, they're either a dumbass or a dumbfuck. or maybe, they're...
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TEAM NYP ! =DD hello Fang Shuai ! ROFL Melody, XinFeng, Christy, Jiamin, LYN, Jolene, Terence, Mark, ShiRui. TERENCE LOOK LIKE FLYING CHICKEN CAN ? LMAO ! twist twist people ^^v Hey babe. we both look kinda unglam in this pic ! whatcha trying to show me ?!?!?! THIS IS MY NEW FOUND FAMILY =D today is tuesday. & tuesdays only mean one thing to me : LONG SCHOOL HOURS & NO TRAININGS ! it's a BOOBOO !! ok i was a badbad girl today. woke up at 7 plus, prepared and i wore heels to school ! just to prove to Gariel Tan that i can dress up too ! didnt put make up. look horrendous with make up now ! face and body different colours ! T.T so met Gariel and CinLee at MRT. went to LTK3 and tapped our cards. U-turned and went to Mac instead. ok i know i'm bad to skip lectures. but, FON is only fun with Mr AaronLim. others is BOOBOO ! after that went to library. i went to hotshot and used BUFFY. went to did touch up on CT ICA ppt and wasted my time in the library. went to had lunch and ...