people people. haha, im back !
MIXED RELAY TEAM X403 GOT 2nd ! hahah. thanks tong for running super fast. credits to you =D
got 3rd actually, some cock up in the timings resulting a push in my team's placing ! Jolene & Darren got 3rd, Samantha & Eddry got 4th ! =D
went for Lifeguard trainings after that. hahas. HELLO JIEYING ! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY ! =))

Thurs = deciding to go for training anot, after much consideration, i got changed into my suit and went in. super duper happy with my swimming. not fast thou, but i know i did my best. no slacking at all ! haha. had polo, did passing. i must master my passing ! WORDS THAT CONTAIN SPIKES , I WILL SHOOT THEM BACK WITH WORDS CONTAINING DAGGERS ! hahaha, Thanks Julian ! =D

Fri = FON ICA ! supposed to meet my grp at 9am in macs, but i woke up at 8.30am. haha. sorry guys, i know im always late ! so i put in the effort to wear NICER CLOTHES. went to meet them, pon-ed 1st hour of FON lecture, then went in for 2nd hr. 10 mins later, the lecture ended -.- ok so not fun. then had BIO lecture. and then the killer. FON ICA ! our grp didnt practice our presentation. but i guess we did ok ? yep we did ok ! haha.
after that waited for lifeguard to start training. land based ! haha. ran 800m, 100 pumps & 150 crutches for warm up ! then ran 2 rounds around school -.- omg CAN DIE ! then did drills ! to train up our arm muscles ! climbed the back gate out of school ! wooots, with Elgin, Nigel, Weilun, Julian and JieYing ! haha <3
& while waiting for cca to start, FENGS CALLED ME CAN ! haha, he scared take lift no reception so he climbed all the way up back to his house ! Freakking 13 floors. omfg la fengs, i love you liao lor. so touched man ! haha. GAN DONG LEI ! <3 hahahhahahaha

SAT = SA TRAINING ! loves man, watching them play is super fun. esp with thatmond being the commendator, SUPER FUNNY LOL ! critising the players more like it, althou there is some proper commendating, but mixed together zomfg SUPER LIAO ! hahas, really laughing so hard ! and gary tore one of the guys trunks. OMG LA ! literally torn man. I SAW HIS BUTT CAN ! omg HAHAHAHAH ! althou not very good quality ! LOLS ! andand i needa tape up GARY's and LESLIE's MOUTH ! omg man, ANYHOW ANYHOW MAKE SCANDALS. really hope it doesn't spread man. sucksucksuck LOLS ! i mean me ! boooo !
superstar ! dinie ! jiamin ! hahaha ! year 1 rocks man ! =D ok the whole polo team rocks !
ate chicken rice again ! add rice wooots ! and went to LifeSaving. haha, JIALONG MET A PERVERT IN THE MALE TOILET ! lucky nvr wear red hot trunks today, if not sure kenna target-ed one. lol ! traumatized alr !

SENTOSA tomorrow ! i need to train up ! serious trainings ! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh !
COMMON TESTS & ICA NEXT WEEK ! Double the ahhhhhhhh !
AM TEST COMING IN A MONTH'S TIME ! Triple the ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !

and i miss all of you horizen peeps. those oldies, seriously, the bbq is so missed. i wish times were still the same, so we can get tgt again, crapped throughout the night, feeding the mosquitoes. Andy KEAI, UNCLE drew, John NOOB , WS <3, Ming, FAITH Dage, Ling DIDI, Kewei PTS . seriously i miss you guys. sorry to all of you, the meeting i was planning is delayed, im too busy with my trainings alr, i will make it up of you guys when it's off season. i promise.


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