had swim and polo training yesterday. funfunfun ! =D tried gliding. and my arm hurts. coach says i didn't stretch properly & "injured my muscle" -.- cries can. pain LOL ! people say i've been pushing myself too hard. like training & training everyday. they're afraid i might overworked myself. thanks all who cared. love you guys <3 but i needa train, cus despite the trainings, i'm still slow. so yep, i gotta train, but no worries, i'll take good care of myself ! =D

i dunno why people have to do such silly things. i study psychology and sociology. i should be better at this kind of things. if you want attention, c'mon just say and we give you. not like you need the attention alr. and for goodness sake you are a GUY, don't go bitching about people behind their backs. and superstar is angry. bloody hell ! read this _|_ stop the gossiping or I'll ask somebody with a **** to _|_ you from the back ! stupid ass ! & i'll take a polo ball to ram hard in your face before you get _|_ ! if people believe in what you say, they're either a dumbass or a dumbfuck. or maybe, they're both. fuckingdumbasses ! shiet you

sorry bout the rants ! =D
thanks SUPERSTAR , JULIAN , DARLING , DA GE <3 , CIN LEE , AUDREY , BANU , LIYANA , MARGARET & GARIEL for cheering me up ! you guys rocks laa !


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