And now, Isolation starts

Starbucks :D

Quite a day.
Vivo with Jiamin. Lunched at LJS. Window-shopped awhile. Checked out guys at NUM. Spend cash at Minitoons on Gummies. Chilled at Starbucks. Cam-whored a little.
Went to Keppel Club to surprise Baby. Walked back to Vivo. Walked, Chilled, late dinner at hawker. Bused home, Baby slept. :D

Lesson starts at 8am tomorrow. I doubt I can wake up. I know myself duh. Dress tomorrow with flipflops. Hope to wake up in time to do my hair. Long day tomorrow, long day.

& yes, Sorry people. Made up my mind already. I officially stopped.

Did I mention, Baby carried me on the way back home from train station. I swear I screamed all the way.

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