i'm at home now. which means i skipped school for a bloody hell good reason.
i'm supposed to reach school by 9am, attend a biology tutorial which end at 10am and wait all the way until 4pm for a stupid lecture by a retarded old lady until 5pm.
so people who are in their right mind will not go to school at all -.-
SEESEE. im getting debarred.


1. The Examination Regulations empower the Polytechnic to exclude a
candidate from any of its examinations if he fails to meet the attendance
requirement of not less than 85% of possible attendance at classes.

2. You were absent on the following occasions for the class conducted for:

Your attendance is currently at : 82.2 %
Date Lesson Hrs Approved Reason
30-Jun-2008 LEC 2 Nil
26-Jun-2008 TUT 1 N Nil
14-Jul-2008 LEC 2 Nil
2-Jun-2008 LEC 1 N Nil
7-Jul-2008 LEC 2 Nil

3. You are required to meet your Personal Mentor regarding your absence
with written explanation being entered into the Student Attendance System.

Dear: Parents/Guardian/Sponsor
Please note that the abovenamed may be excluded from NYP examinations if
his/her attendance falls below 85% and consequently deemed to have failed
in the affected module(s). Please sign and return this form.

___________________ ______________________________________________
Name Signature of Parents/Guardian Date

This is computer generated. No signature is required.

Please note : LEC - Lecture,TUT-Tutorial, LAB - Laboratory
now you know why my lecturer is a retarded old hag. i attend school everyday andand i can get debarred-.- why ? cus i'm late by 1-2 mins for morning lectures. so if i tap my card at 9.11am, im late for fuck sake. old bitch. debar me for all i care, i have one less module to study.
i want to withdraw like what cin lee has done, but im staying for the CCA, so this is what people call "Bo Bian"~


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