seriously i'm not in any mood to study. all i wanna do now is train. like zomfg !
Socio paper is tmr, and i'd only read thru the first few chapts. Psyc Paper is on friday, and i havent even touched the notes. what the hell. monday is Bio paper, sama sama. results are going to be shitty for sure. GPA going to be freaking lowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. =((((((((((
& the stupid uniform person called and ask me to go down to EUNOS to collect my bloody uniform. others get theirs in school, and i have to go down to office to get. -.- zzzzzzzz
& i will be missing training today and tmr, maybe sunday too. ahhhh this sucks. i want to train, but i need to study. what the fuck man!
& i need you, but you will never know.


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