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Showing posts from December, 2008
I know you asked me to hold on
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Caught the movie Bolt with stupid pig yesterday. The movie is superb and I swear you will be attracted by the cuteness of the characters especially the fat hamster. Went to play pool with this pig and his friends. Haha I love this stupid pig so much. And I sprained my stupid ankles just now while I was walking to yck mrt station. I swear it was the most retarded thing that can happen to anyone. Shall not elaborate on it. Seriously! I'll see if I can go for land training tomorrow, I've been missing all the runs and gym sessions for lifeguards training. Super fat Super fat Super fat. Zz I've just taken a bath with hothothot water, my stupid leg hurt like mad and the warm water did some soothing effect. Am now ice-ing my swelling ankle and later on a crepe bandage. Lucky I paid attention during skills lab, now I can put my practice into real use for my first patient-me. Thanks to Jasmine Auntie for the tips and info on treating-a-sprained-ankle. And I've tagged 5 people to...
Everything's not going well.
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My red sony phone can't send messages. My old nokia phone don't slide properly. I can't swim now. My timing sucked yesterday. My flu is not going away. I have phelgm stucked in my nasal cavity. I'm having cramps. The muscleaches are irritating. The boredom is killing me. I'm all alone. Pet Society is addictive. I'm rotting at home. Tomorrow is a holiday. Jialong finally found out the truth. I'm still as fat as ever. And yet again, I've fallen into the valley of disappointment. -edited- I'm so bored now. The stupid pig is working oh my god. -.-
I love the beach. Do you?
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Ok days have passed without beach trainings and I am really beginning to miss it. And I really hope to have the sun out next Sunday morning, as beach trainings are resuming next week. Oh man I'm so looking forward to it, the feeling of anticipation is indescribable, even though I know I'm going to get killed during the training. Lifesaving lesson just now, everything was quite normal. And fate really toys with people's life and happiness. Like when you thought everything is well-planned and you're about to spend time usefully with someone you really care about, something else cock up. Total turn off really. Ask me for the details if any kaypos want to know. And I'm not really feeling good with the muscleaches and Gabriel and Jieying, I need some massage now! HAHA! And this is the first time I'm getting this kind of shit stuff happening to me. Really very gross and disgusting. Super duper sickening. Shall not elaborate on it. Fucking hell. Sun-tanning session nee...
because I don't give a damn anymore
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I'm done with all my assessments and test for this half of the sem. And Monday is a public holiday! Next week is the last week of school and then I'll get a 2 weeks break! Water Sports Camp coming too, wondering whether to go anot. I don't deny the fact that I love camps but still, it's always troublesome attending camps and yes there will be no doubt that I will feel extremely tired. Training just now was fun. The after effect of swim training yesterday was horrendous. Arms movements was much restricted due to the pain that arises. Time trials was not too bad, timing was normal, no improvements or whatsoever. I still think I could have done better without these aches and this persistant blocked nose and phlegm. Took a timing for a new event, timing was fucking slow I swear. Muscleaches, Sleepy eyes and Tummy Cramps seriously make my day man. Predicting to wake up late tomorrow with stiff limbs, unable to move very well. Cause I don't really care now. So what people...
Romeo take me to somewhere we could be alone
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Busy with test and presentations for the past few days, today will be the last paper of the term. Studied with Gariel and Ibnu yesterday after training till 10pm, I really hope it helps a little, I really want a very good GPA this sem. Now i want a copy of Jarvis to do my homework, so ironic isn't it? First I dreaded studying and now I'm "inspired" to study. Tsk. Oh training yesterday was torturous. We did sit-ups x25, pumpings x20, stretch jumps x20, arm swings front and back with weights x36rounds, arm swings both arms without weights x36rounds, 3 sets of everything. After that, we went for a 1km swim. There's a H2O banner in the pool and we were doing sit ups under it. On the banner was 3 words, Hydrate, Inspire and Conquer. Mel was saying I'm dehydrating now, I'm not inspired and how to conquer. And I replied, we do not Conquer now, we are Conquered. Like totally, Chui to the max. Time trials later, I think I can't give 100%. Giving 50% would be ...
I have red NUM flipflops(brazil)
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Went school for 4 hours and back home. 1 module completed but another one is starting next week and next monday is a public holiday! Hahaha, cheerios to that. Bought 2 Polo-tees and I'm officially declared broke. My pay don't last for more than 2 weeks, always! Ok and to clarify my pay don't exceed 200 bucks every month, so I guess it's alright for me to clear the pay in 10days right? HAHA! And now I have to dig my piggybank's ass for some notes and coins I secretly kept. My brothers have a tendency of "borrowing" money from piggy when Mummy "forgets" to give them lunch money, and it's the holidays now. My piggy's at risk! Now this sick fatass is trying to complete her medication worksheet for Wednesday's Skills Lab test. I'm now fucking tired and fingers are super duper achy, they're going to fall off my hands soon. Despite me trying so hard, I'm still left with a dozen medications and their details. People just shoot me ...