because I don't give a damn anymore

I'm done with all my assessments and test for this half of the sem. And Monday is a public holiday! Next week is the last week of school and then I'll get a 2 weeks break! Water Sports Camp coming too, wondering whether to go anot. I don't deny the fact that I love camps but still, it's always troublesome attending camps and yes there will be no doubt that I will feel extremely tired. Training just now was fun. The after effect of swim training yesterday was horrendous. Arms movements was much restricted due to the pain that arises. Time trials was not too bad, timing was normal, no improvements or whatsoever. I still think I could have done better without these aches and this persistant blocked nose and phlegm. Took a timing for a new event, timing was fucking slow I swear.

Muscleaches, Sleepy eyes and Tummy Cramps seriously make my day man. Predicting to wake up late tomorrow with stiff limbs, unable to move very well.

Cause I don't really care now. So what people, so what?

Eugene Lim


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