Coffee or tea?

I'm down finally. I kept telling myself, "I'm fine" but yet my body shows signs of otherwise. I wish to be up and about soon cause I really can't afford to be sick for long. GETWELLSOON :D (This is a shoutout for that cute guy in Seattle too!) Also thank you my baby for taking care of me. Many many loves!

Alright, the minor hiatus was unintentional. I've been pretty much busy with trainings and school. I'd should be studying right now but yet I can't resist the temptation of technology. It's either the net or the iTouch, sucker isn't it. Distractions. But true to certain extend I'd rather Facebook than to Face Books. Sigh, I've got to complete my mugging for two modules by tonight or go for tests tomorrow unprepared.

Also competitions - BIGBIGWORRY!


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