
We need to realise that nothing can be perfect, we should be contented with what God blessed us with. Pursuing perfection is no doubt satisfying but it can be a tedious process. Personally, I see no point in finding perfection in everything little thing but in turn, making yourself miserable, affected by every setback you faced. The sense of achievement vs the tedious process (physically&emotionally), what would you choose? Are you the type of person who looks at only the product or are you the kind who prefers the process? I'm more of a process kind of person, no doubt product is important, but as long as one stay happy during the process, any good product will be a bonus. :)

I'm happy now, was searching on the font for my tatts. Most prolly birthday present for myself. And as I grow, I don't really look forward to my own birthday anymore, it's like celebrating myself getting old. Birthdays should be a happy occasion, but how can one be happy over the fact that she is getting older? How ironic! Tsk, gonna do it big for my last teenage year & maybe stop birthday celebrations from next year onwards. This is quite depressing really. :/


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