A very overdued posy of Baby's Passing Out Parade which was on 09 July! 
Got him a POP bear from Build a Bear Workshop! 
Different skins for selection! 
And this is what I chose for him! Simple Happy Hugs!
After selection of the skins, off to the fluff machine! It churns cotton stuffing for the bears! 
And there's sound which you can insert into your bear's arm. There's different default messages but I've recorded my own message for my baby! 
And the stuffing begins!
Leg pedal to control the amount of stuffing! 
Making sure the arms are well stuffed....
And the head....
And the heart which all stuffed bear will need to have! You will need to follow the steps to make the heart "alive" with love, make a wish and blow a kiss to it before the staff seal the heart inside the bear! VERY VERY CUTE! 
Sealing up the bear by tying! 
TADA~ He's aliveee~
Then we get to blow and brush the fur of the bear to make it soft and smooth! 
Next up, clothes! What a way to make a girl excited! 
Look at the different designs they have, for all sorts of occassions too. From baseball player to fireman, scuba diver to ballerina. Also they have our superheros, spidey! :D There's also underwear, foorwear and accessories! 
And here, Smart 4 for my POP man! 
The dressing room! Heh! 
They have printed birth certificate for all bears too and a coded chip is stuffed into the bear so if you lost your bear and someone brings it back to Build-A-Bear workshop, they would be able to identify the lost bear and it's owner! Pretty cool right! Love it haha. 
Of course all these comes with a price. Quite a high prize actually but its all worth while! 

Then then the day itself. 
Marina Bay Floating Platform! 
All the recruits starting their 24km march from the ferry terminal here for this parade!  

And the parade begins. 

Loads of talking and speech, prize presentation. 
So I was getting bored. 
Singapore Flyer!
Then finally, here comes the moment........
Here here here! 
Jay Bear~
POP Jat Bear with a ID tag! HAHAHA
With much love. 


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