wakaka. today de sk00l n0t bad sia. not b0ring at all leis. lessons quite fun.

hmm. morning. veh gud. in klass siao siao de. started wid e maths in the morning. lols. so easy. nv knew tt maths so fun. lols. den social studies. finally. one day of peace without nazar nagging and scolding. all last year hist stuffs. nv regretted choosing hist sia. lols yay~ (^o^) hohoho. den POA. the most confusing of all. lols. wad concept convention de stuffs. must ask for remedials sia. den got test next wed. sians~. den 3 periods of dnt. lols mr wai kinda sians. keep toking den say things not funny de. den oli he laughing. crazy mad guy. lao ti ko. but nvm. i lyk the subject cus sec 1 met gud teacher. mr siraj. lols wakaka. best of all. den sec 2 got mr png. veh veh kind. hmm. den after skool got e maths remedial. lols. althou is remedial but oso not sian de. veh veh fun and interesting.

skool is getting so fun nowadays. hmm. well. feeling attached to 3e2'06 now. but of cus i wun forget my all time favourite. 2e1'05. muacks. `cheers to 2e1'05 peeps. :)


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