haiyo. common test today. maths somemore. hais. all i dunno de leis. sure fail until lyk siao de..

darn mad at some lad hu used powershot on my bestie!!! fuck la.
wad the hell. ppl oso nv do anything to u den powershot at her.. ppl girl leis. bully mi not innof.. mus attack my frens.. betta apologise to both of them!!! i felt so darn awkward... ck keep saying.. den see cy... den hais. feel lyk pegging the peg into the concrete solid ground!!! ahhhh!!! na bei!!!
training today.. i tink veh veh slack... hais. but.. ii tink is better la. at least i broke my own record in tying gyn lashing... 1min 15 sec!!! yay~ a lil more and im gonna hit the 1 min target.. mus noe wad im doing!!! today everything so messing. cus windy too. den poncho anyhow fly here fly there. den cannot tie properly.. jus not doing my best la. hais. fingers do lashing do until bleed.. den palm do pegging do until numb... cannot go in still die die hit in. bobian. no choice. got time limit.. last time do jus nice 12 mins. today keep doing 14mins. dunno why... ohhh... cus juliana and estelle not here ya??? if they wanna skip den i dun care.. i dun nid them. as long as i can do 1 lashing in 1 min... i can do 2 too.. training!!!! TRAIN HARD LYN!!! DO BVSS PROUD!! DO EVERYONE PROUD AND GET INTO THE FINALS... AT LEAST DO YOURSELF PROUD!!! :)



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