yea... im back from the 3 days camp at JALAN BETHERA MOE campsite... woots~

1st day:
woke up 5.30am when liting called me... den go prepare and check my bag again... see if got forget anything... msg jo when i ready to go out and i kissed my phone goodbye... den met liting in bus and we went to mac together to meet the rest... reached mac.. saw yan they all den i help liting repack her bag.. den felan and jec come... cus liting brought her phone so she put her phone in jec's hse... den we nv eat den went to skl.. den we sit sit and joke around wid miss chua... wakaka~ den assembly... missing my fone liao lo... den mr chan say those hu got bring phone de surrender.. wa lao eh... say phone will kenna confiscated den now say surrender den at nite can take back use.. wad the fuck man!!! den not happy lo... den went up bus and we set off for campsite... den reached le so disorganise... found out that i am in the tribe MOHAWK... still got mohicans and dakota.. den i in MOHAWK 4... den MOHAWK got 3e1 3e2 & 3e3.. den went to bunks and we chiong and faster book place.. den assemble again den got briefing.. den went to kayaking and rafting.. water activities... yeah~ mohawk 3 go kayak first den we do rafting..
rafting... very very fun... we must learn knots and lashings first... den i noe all... so i be the "teacher"... lols. guided mohawk 4, 5 & 6 to do.. den must use barrels and pipes to make a raft tt carries the whole group... we did a great job man.. used lots of square lashings... yeah~ den we din went down the water... oli turn it and mrs choo rated it 8o%... yeah~ power... I CAME UP WID THE DESIGN AND LASHINGS TO USE OKAYS... i try the lashings damn hard wid estelle and juliana and stephenie okays... the guys all use the strong arms to support the structure while we tir the lashings... 3E2 all the way~
this one even more fun... i partner with estelle again... my kayaking partner during orientation at changi... den we took down the kayaks... so heavy... den i cut my hand... den we test out our life vest again... den the instructors demonstrated the paddling stuffs... and i requested the instructors to do capsize... yeah... i knew it le.. jus wanna sabo and get them wet... den off we go to form a raft.. i and estelle damn faster man... den we are one of the best pairs... lols.. cus we both exprirenced le... den when kayak half way saw an instructor... wa~ looked like joel man... lols... and we called him the "joel-liked thingy"... opps... we are so bad... den took the kayak up tt time i slack... as nigel and ernest take... hees.. :p den i went to mohawk 3.. oso 3e2 to help them float on the raft they made... den everyone floated man including lirong and jingpeng... woots~ den we took photos..
hees! den went to bath and den assemble... sing skl song den hav dinner... we made our mohawk cheer... den after tt do savage hunt... mood wasnt so good... cus the few of us missing our HIMS... lols... den made our MOHAWK FLAG... created by hanaffi and sufyan... and i tied the square lash again... hees. den lyk tt.. hees... went for supper after tt... and den went to bunks to sleep... the nite was so cold... lucky i listened to him and brought my jacket... but its still not innof..
2nd day:
woken up by estelle at bout 5.45am... den wash up... den assemble at 6 plus 7.. den hav PT.. wa~ so slack man... not even tired... but very hungry... so faster sing skl song den go makan breakfast... den hav our amazing race game... before tt.. we did our mohawk cheer.. go lyk this>>> every morning day and nite, mohawks charging up to fight, all united act as one, we will win the war this time. we will win the war, we will win the war, we will win the war... one more time. we will win the war, we will win the war, we will win the war... WIN WIN WIN!!!
amazing race...
mohawk 4 did flying fox first... yeah! i be the trolley pusher first... den ppl come down close eye and shout so i laugh until very loudly... lols. cannot blame me... really very funny... den the instructor dare mi to open my eyes when i come down... den i say i can do free hand if not i down 50 for him... den he say he owe mi first... den my turn... i climb up den look down... siao... den i bo bian lo... all mohawks looking at mi... den mus show the instructor... den i jus jump and let go off my hands... woots~ so shiok! den i ran up again to do another time.. also let go hand... hees... mr chia went up too... he scared of heights.. den dun dare come down... hug the metal pillar... but he came down in the end...
den went to do the hand chain.. stuck man... den do the electric circuit... den got free time... and mirul and azman and suhali teach us do the "mm chit, tuki, tongkat" lols... tt one damn fun... goes lyk this...>>> BAP BALAP BALAP BAP BAP, MM CHIT CHIT MM CHIT, TUKI TUKI TUKI TUKI, TONGKAT TONGKAT... lol. so diif to say here... den we played as mohawk 4 and 3 ppl did the 7 wonders as they made mistakes... den hav lunch... after lunch went to assembly area and play "mm chit, tuki, tongkat" wid mirul, azman and harry!!! hees. so fun... den got briefing den went to rock climbing...
rock climbing & rope ob..
mohawk 3 & 4 [ 3e2 ] went to CRC area... den did rock climbing.. yeah... so fun... den we all went to rope course to climb and hav fun... hees. so fun... i lie on the tire hanging in the air ma... lols.. so darn scary when looked down... fly fly lyn~
went to bath and den dinner... we tot of the class performance le.. we doing thousand legged worm and 3 diff short cheers... THOUSAND LEGGED WORM>> " im a thousand legged worm, hav you seen a lil squirm, hav u seen a lil leg of mine, if it cant be found, i shall hav to hop around on my 999, hop around biong biong, hop around biong biong, hav u seen a lil leg of mine? if it cant be found i shall hav to hop around on my 999..." :p den cheer is edited from dun cha of the pussycat dolls... >>> " dun cha wish ur klass mates was hot lyk us [ hongzhao, zuojia, junpek and lirong do action & the klass points at them... (x2)] dun cha..." " dun cha wish ur form teacher was mr chia [ klass will sweep their hand to center parting... (x2)] cha-cha.." " E2 we rock and we rock lyk woo~!"
wearing our camp tees... we went to the campfire site.. den mohawks started our cheer!!! yeah~ battle between the course... EXPRESS vs NORMAL... den hongzhao jumped onto chin seng and hong zhao hold our mohawk flag high up... and we ran around the campfire site once... woots~ HONGZHAO... YOU ROCK MAN!!! den we all helped each mohawk wid their performance... den all very fun... WE ONE PERSON ENOUGH TO BEAT U ALL LA!!! wow... tt is wad hong zhao said... took photos sing songs and poof... its supper and we can sleep until 7 plus the next morning...
3rd day:
woke up by estelle again... 6 plus going 7... cus i darn freaking cold... den estelle cover mi wid towel... love you darlin'... den wash up.. packup... assemble den eat breakfast... den do area cleaning... 3e2 mus clean bunks... hais... found so mant things... skl shirt, skl pants, shorts, towels, dirty shoes, sandals, slippers, socks, bra, panty, underwear, boxers... even kotex... fuck la.. not we use one we mus clean... den pick up all the food wrappers, tissue papers... all the litters la.. hais... den went to take klass photo and den went back to skl!!!

i love mohawk!!!


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