wo xiang wo mei cuo... ni zhi shi xiang yao li yong wo... bang ni zuo ni de shi.. ran hou ba wo yi jiao ti kai..

guys are all the same!!!

mei tian xiang ni... mei tian qian gua zhe ni.... ni que zhe yang de dui wo.. mei shi zuo shi cai lai he wo liao tian... shuo dao yi ban you bu jian zhong ying.. you mei hui ying... qu si ba... go to hell man...

i am not your toy... i am not your maid... i am not your entertainment when you are bored... I AM NOT YOUR DOG!!!
i am just a girl who wanna have some kind of care and concern from someone... someone who can be by my side when ever i need him...

wo dui ni lai shuo zhi shi yi dui la ji... ni ba wo shuo de yi wen bu zhi... nan dao ni hen hao ma... wo bu shi ni xin mu zhong de li xiang dui xiang... ke shi ye bu xu yao zhe yang dui wo.. wo hui ji xu de bang ni.. bang ni dao kao shi.. wo men jiu bu yao zai lian luo le ba...

i am always the one... history is repeating itself again... why? not gonna get hurt anymore.. you will be out of my mind... i mean it... i swear... dun ever use those words on mi again... nope.. not ever..

getting out of it before i sink deeper...
the deeper i go, the more the misery...
i hate you... but i love you even more...
no one can save me now...
i have sunken too deep in...

you gonna regret it!!!


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