what can i say...
just lucky!!!
started off with english paper 2... so tiring.. the paper started and when i read the passage.. i can see double image... too tired le... ytd mug POA until lyk siao... den do a few qns den sleep a while den i was thinking... FASTER DO FASTER SLEEP... so i tried my best to put in effort and there... i was sleeping for the rest of the time... hees... den recess... teach POA again... den POA p2 started... yea... POA... i just have to say this... I HAVE CONFIDENCE TT I CAN DO WELL~ weets... trial balance got balance... trading P&L oso got balance... hahas... i finished quite early but i nv sleep wors.. i check thru my P&L for any errors.. den okays le... i go check my qns 1 and den all confirm can le den back to my trial balance... cus the capital given is ?.. so i use the A = L + OE + Rev - Exp.. lols... den i could balance... weets XP
den after skl went mac eat den went jec hse... study a bit ba... teach liting d&t and chemistry... den after tt went for my LIFE SAVING 123 de EXAM!!! wah~ went there at 5 plus... exam starts at 6 but examiner was late... came oli at 7.. diaos... den a lot of things happened la... i suck at life saving sidestroke... but i am good in feet first surface dive... weets x)) so guess wad??? i passed my life saving 1,2&3... we all did.. the 6 of us... naomi passed her instructor!!! yea!!! thanks naomi for speaking up for us... hees X)) well done everyone.... we all did well... now... it BM.. Bronze Medallation... lols... maybe next year ba... i must get it... must go back for SSA... i am getting FAT!!! woah~ lols... go get rid of these FATS... bleahs~


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