so suay man... lols
today woke up because terence msged me.... <> so early lo... msged me at 9 plus... beauty sleep is essential... lols... woke up le played maple lo... train my new acc... iCedxgirL.. den lvl 13 le.. hees... den went back to my main acc.. iCedQuQee.. now at ludi.. training on master chronos.. lols... so good lo..
den went to my SYF training at 2... went to meet estelle at mrt station.. den we went together... den meet the rest at HTA.. den rain... so stand in the drill shack there... did hentak kaki and normal drills lo... den at bout 5.30... rain stop den we reherse the whole thing lo... marching in and marching out of the parade square... lyk tt lo... den went home... on the bus to interchange... so suay lo... sprained my ankle... ARGHH!!! so i guess tml de training i will be in slippers... and no more running and unarmed combat for me.. if not my whole ankle might fall off.. lols... maple maple maple... gonna lvl 20 by today!!!


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