so long nv blog le.. lols...
well... ytd... got POC... all was such a success!!! lols... i love it man... just lovw it so much lo... hahas...
sec 1 : i cant wait to be king!!! sec ones did a great job!!! well done guys....
sec 2 : temperature... its was a job well done...
sec 3 guys : unarmed combat!!! hahas... i love tt so much lo... its the BEST man!! lols... real wooden planks!!! woots!!! and i love that flying kick from terence... i knew u can do it de... all of u guys trained hard!!! and it was really a job well done.. and i was worried for u guys... dont wan any of u all to be injured lo... seriously...
sec 3 girls : dance!!! oh my god... girls... guess wad... some ppl say that our performance is the best among all those in POC lols... CONGRATS TO ALL OF YOU GIRLS MAN... its was a veh veh sexy dance... thanks to juliana for the dancesteps.. mr tan said tt we can challenge modern dance.. hahas...
sec 3 combined - we're all in this together... well... even though it was not really perfect... we all did our very best ready!!! hahas... i love SEC 3 SQUAD !!!
grand finale.. it was veh veh fun lo... hahas...seriously...
LOVES . Passing Out Concert 2006-
we will be buddies forever de!!!
went out with jialong wilson and fiona...
went to wilson de hse to meet all of them first... den put our swimming stuffs there.. den we went to coffee shop eat breakfast.. yums!!! den headed offf to orchard .. went to heeren first... den took neoprints... so pretty wors!! lols... den went to cine.. bought famous amos cookies to eat eat... so yummy!!! den we went to coffee bean and i bought a drink.. and we went to taka.. lols.. cus got singapore food festival.. and as usually... we were sampling food!!! lols.. den we bought the fruit blast ice.. lols.. so delicious!!! lols... got strawberry. kiwi mango and mango ice cream... hahass.. wilson fed me and fiona.. i fed them back and we all fed jialong.. so fun!!! lols... den saw hong lee at taka!!! lols.. in NPCC shirt.. wow!! lols... den went to take mrt to douby ghaut... went to pc bunk and i went to find the pussys... lols... den went in see ppl fight zakum!! lols.. den went to pei jialong buy his new billabong bag... lols... den went to the arcade beside pc bunk and we played basketball.. lols.. me and jialong team first and fiona and wilson... den we change... fiona and jialong den me and wilson... after tt we left at 5.30 and we rush to our life saving!!! lols... ran to take mrt ... den we sat on the floor and chatted... den fiona, jialong and wilson went back wilson hse take our bags and i ran to swimming pool first... den they all came and we went in... saw naomi den we went to change into our swimwear... did life saving IM warmup... 50m lifesaving side stroke, 50m lifesaving backstroke, 50m breatstroke and 50m freestyle... den we did 1 set of 150m sprinting of 50m freestyle and 50m of breaststroke back... lols... den did clothing tow... den we all slack la... cus we veh tired le.. hais... den naomi veh veh angry and she ask us to swim 200m of any stroke... i did 200m of breaststroke non stop.. hahass... WOOTS!! den the lifesaving peeps gave jialong a birthday muffin and a birthday surprise... den took train wid jialong, naomi, nathaniel and pin rong...
hahas!!! tml it PC BUNK!!!
chiong ar!!!


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