me and long with starfish !
BMBM group! [ chingyi fiona jialong me wilson ]

yoyo people !! i am back !
so long never blog le. so many things to say..
went to kusu island recently !! for my lifeguard duties ! hehes .. i got pics ! weeets... go there first day raining le.. zz so suay.. changed into my life guard shirt den go to our duty place le.. my first day de duty place is lifeguard tower 2.. bleahs . do duty with jialong, richard, jasmine, and one other guy from another class call matthew.. wtf. LOL den so sians. den wilson and chingyi joined us after their patrolling.. den we played daidee ! hehs ! den jialong richard and jasmine go change shift. den matthew and chingyi went to buy 2 packs to char kuay tiao !! so niceeee !! matthew and chingyi share. me and wilson share !! den after duty ! 5 plus leonard and eugene came and took over.. den we when back to the life guard shed. had dinner ! pizzas ! thanks condrey, nat, and naomi ! 200 over bucks ok.. thanks guys ! den we went to beach walk walk. the beach there is nice.. there is break waters. those rocks to deduce waves. so it forms a sort of lagoon. it was super low tide. and me, fiona, jialong, wilson and chingyi went to explore the seabed ! we walk all the way down.. hehes ! in the end we gave up halfway as the sand was soft and sticky ! yucks ! LOL .. we went back up and we stood at a particular spot on the beach and chatted. suddenly.. someone shouted.. eee.. got starfish under the sand .. we looked closer and saw tonns of starfishs !! digusting lo.. the waves and small and slowly washing away the sand.. exposing all the buried starfishs ! omfg .. LMAO .. damn digusting lo. den everyone came and played with starfishes ! lol.. the dug out the starfishes and stack them up... yucks la. den we took photos with the starfishes. and smth super funny happen. nat and christina were together and they came out to see the commotion. christina saw the starfishes and scream and ran.. one guy chased her and christina ran all the way. nat wad happy.. he said at least she is willing to do some excercise.. LOL ! we took lots of photos and leonard threw one starfish at me! wtf ! LOL.. and they started throwing the starfishes around. ( like in maple the cash shop the throwing stars ! EVERYONE BECAME HERMIT ! XP ) lol.. hahas . den we went to sit at the breakwaters and enjoy the view of singapore from kusu .. so pretty. sea breeze was nice too ! we went to bath and found jasmine and richard finally ! chatted with darlinggg on phone. went to toilet with the BM gang [ jialong, wilson, chingyi, jasmine, fiona, richard and me ! ].. lol. toilet no light den we all went into girls toilet..shine torch light over the door to the one peeing .. LOLS. fun ! den we went to jetty to play cards with condrey and loh rui and it was so damn fun ! den we brought slping bags and went to a spot in the open .. so we 6 ppl slept on 2 slping bags. fiona wilson jasmine jialong me chingyi.. woke up at 5.30 ! and there were ppl on kusu praying liaos ! wtf ! crazy ppl. den i went over to the mainland jetty for duty with leonard eugene and fiona. darlingggg and shijie came too. hehe ! den change shift.. last shift was with leonard . not bad his personality. but jus kip fuck fuck fuck oli.. LOL. den went back kusu. found darlinggg and had lunch with him.. den my duty was at Life guard tower 1. with jasmine and 2 other guys . wilferd and another guy. forget the name. den pipi alot of ppl ! lols. den debrief den went back main land ..
after that. went to IMM with darlinggg. our 3 mths ! went to eat dinner and we went giant shopping.. and took a cab home. super tired. bath and slpt ! LOVEdarlinggg so much. so sweet. kusu so far.. came just to find me. got patience oso. hehes. wait for me finish my duties ! <33>


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