hehe.. today is my uncle de wedding. bout the previous post, i just realised it not my uncle birthday but wedding. lazy go change also. woke up at 2 plus.. kekes. den went to get my hair done and makeup on.. cut my hair oso. so short le. den the hairdresser helped me bun up my hair. by rolling it, spraying hair spray and putting lots of pins ! den put glitters on my hair. den put on makeup.. had my eyebrows trimmed =)) put on lipstick , eye shadow, eye liner.. makeup colours were plained but darlinggg say it was thick.. the eye liners were obvious..
den went home after my make up and stuff.. den went to the restaurant.. changed into the gown and went out .. kekes. was the english emcee. got an angbao ! hehe.. all was ok. food was alright. there were chocolates ! stolen some back for darlinggg. darlinggg is still sick =\ badbad ! headache ! FEVER ! T.T darlingggg so xinku le ! still anyhow eat things. drink cold water !!! cannot hor ! rmb drink warm water. jus now bought a ppc 20k ! christmas edition de ! hehe ! gdgd ! cute cute de. going pia to 85. cus got bain party waiting for me le ! bleahs ! jiayous !


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