so late le and i am still not in bed !
i turned nocturnal already.
changed my blogskin. edited some of its parts myself. this was supposed to be done 2 days ago. but i forget to save it and i published it. -.- how clever..
my darlingggg so sweet ! kekes ! opps and my mummy found out le. sorry darlingggg T.T
but she didnt really mind after all ! lalalas~
darlingggg treat me sooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD !
my didi de brithday. went to ang mo kio eat crab beehoon ! yumms ! so full la. den went to lot 1 I.P Zone get tees and jeans for my didi. tml uncle birthday need wear. i tink is today. =x nvm bout that.
need to put on a gown -.-" ts sooo lame lo... stiill need to make hair and put on makeup. zzz
mapled for bout 3 hrs? 4hrs? gain bout 55% den stopped. went to have supper with darlinggg. he's sick ! T.T ask me bring jacket for him. but my jacket washing so i brought my lifesaving long sleeve tee for him.. ate le den he send me to my doorstep. so sweet. thank you darlinggg. <33 !
played audition a while. practice chancing. no good. zz. sux actually. but nvm. and i am here blogging.. later gonna go sleep. if not tml the wedding i will look like a dunno what thing.
saw this pair of white pump shoes at lot 1. 30 bucks but its soooo niceee. gonna get it soon. saw jackets at I.P Zone.. so pretty also. must have those things ! the jeans skirts are not too bad. must get them ! din go swimming today cus my didi birthday.. next week must go down swim ! zzzzzzzzz . BM exam so near le. i still slacking here xp
okays blogged till here. so sian le...
go orhorh le..
sweet sweet lovely lovely <33
LOVES my darlingggHUBBY so much !
sorry darlinggg bout just now.
i wont destroy it de !
muacks !


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