update le ok darlinggg. sorry.. i forget bout it..
ytd went to pcbunk with darlinggg alone.. i stayed up the whole night playing. slacking ba. called darlinggg to wake up. den we went to eat breakfast at long john sliver .. yumms. and we went to bunk. com 13 ! sofa seat. and i literally slept for 4 hrs. lying on darlinggg's shoulder while he anego =x malford saw tt -.-" LOL
den wake up le. help darlinggg anego [ kekes ! so pro ! i mean me not his char ] den i died ! anego slapped me 18k -.-zz
den i see him play and den played audition.. went to eat dinner at kfc at plaza singapura. den we went home ! kekes !
love my baobei darlinggg so much ! sorry bout the attitude showing in bunk ! >.<
today.. i din sleep for the whole night again ! i was training. got a new pet !
MY PET :))
type : panda
name : H I M (:
lvl : 11
so fast lvl de.. kekes ! went to pet park to jump with yuanny and dawei. dawei also got a panda. i lvled at 5 plus int he morning. free map 3 ! kekes. den lvled le i did alcaster quest. was halfway done then. waste all my meso on those crystal and tower scrolls ! -.- but nvm la. now complete the quest le. can help darlinggg buy rocks ! watch darlinggg sotong. darlinggg got his pet back again. revived !
type : mini cargo
name : H E R (:
lvl : 20
kekes ! he changed the name of his pet. actually i copied him de. kekes.
den i went to have a nap. buay tahan.den darlinggg waked me up. and i helped darlinggg sotong also. lagg die ! zz
but nvm. lvl le!
GRATS TABBYSIN LVL 151 ! SO PRO LE ! <33 DARLINGGGG ! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
went dinner with darlinggg. super cold the bloody weather. i am sick ! wtf !
bought 1 10k ppc and 1 5k ppc ! went to fairprice buy snacks. ty darlingggg for the hagan daz cookies & cream ice cream ! yummy ! so late den update ! sorry darlinggg..
now going back train again. must lvl 85 fast fast !


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