so sick !
kept sneezing and sneezing..
the whole class was sick apparently... T.T
so sians. so lethagic sia..
was suppose to do a whole brain map. but dunno what subject to do.. den nvm ba.
okays. everything is settled now. i top the last chinese test. omg? and mr peh was saying that it was a hard paper.. had my chinese oral just now. it was quite ok i supposed.. not too hard. i got shen jian btw. so it shouldnt be a problem...
got back my social studies common test. 19.. zz. kind of disappointed with the results as i know i can do better . but well.. its alright.
i am into the last week of term 1 already ! YAY ! but 1 week holiday isnt quite enough. LOL ! coming back for so many chinese remedials. well. chinese O lvl paper is in may. so all the more there should be remedials. hahas.

so bored. must start mugging for exams already.. going study with liting? maybe ba.. LOL ! so tired. tml gt 5 periods of d&t. sleep again? zz hmm. tml physics paper. i need 7 more marks to pass.. T.T
not confident at all you see. LOL !

dancing for guides campfire. anyways that miss juliana's problem. LOL . for me i just dance. hahas.

sleep liao..



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