i'm back finally. internet down for past few days. omg. suck. spell check. S-U-C-K Suck !!!
k ~
on monday. went to Republic Poly with hubby. he wanna check it out for the course thingy. & i saw mogu kewei PTS ! He come find me can? blahhh. the corridor is too dark. i can only see the outline. & i'm in the library and he's outside. =( yea. then i went summit my JAE choices and went shopping with hubby. combed orchard. bought my book at kinokuniya. bought a dress for CNY. craps.
on tues & wed i worked and worked from 2-11pm. (:
& today i went out to vivo with hubby. i treated him marche... and we went to buy stuff for my hamsters and brownie. (: walked around and just walk. home now.

i feel like closing down my blogshop. Is it advisable? cause i'm working and all. really got not much interest alr. gimme advices please people. :(

oh. prom king is working in my outlet. i found that out on monday when i returned to work. Wow. Mr PROM KING scooping ice cream. COOL siol ! just jks. <- not anything offensive.


& i wanna be part of Er Mei Shan ! LOL.
Faith da ge taught me this new term. (:
For any enquiries, Please contact him. Thanks.


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