not having the day of my life here. just reached home from work not long ago. spent hell lot of money on unnecessary stuff these few days. hate myself. i shall control myself now. shall be bringing 5 bucks out everyday and no atm card for cherlyn on weekdays!
& my BM is on VALENTINE ! zz. i will suggest to darling that we celebrate on wednesday instead. so it wouldn't be so rush. and i swam in the morning. I'M TANNED with my face RED ! happy ! hope i pass this time round. not going to waste 100 over bucks for 2 fails. -.-

=( blah. feeling so sad now. boooohooooooo. met someone who brought me into reminisce last

i was going home from work when darling ask me to meet him for supper. well i bought BK already it was a surprise for him. but since he asked. so i waited for him and we set off to my granny's house. while walking, we were having fun when i saw her. and i think she recognize us too. she was my darling's ex. felt so uneasy. =(
if sparks could fly when you met a girl on your first meeting. why not for someone whom you've been together before? not that i don't trust. it's just that i've got no confidence in myself. the different between me and her is very big. people who see us both can tell for sure. it was hard getting him. and i dun wanna give it another try. bad feeling.... it's been a year and 6 months already. maybe a guy will just get bored. like if you eat something nice. you will keep going back for more. but you will get sick of eating the same food everyday and you'll switch to something else. same theory. maybe he will be sick of being with me and maybe misses the times being with her. and the feeling rekindle or something like that. omfg. shiet _|_


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