just came back from midnight movies with John at CINELEISURE ! watched Rule #1 .kind of scary. nice plot but lameeeee ending !
work was ok today. full shift so i cant really enjoyed it. after work i bought a cake for John, small small slice of cake from Pacifque Coffee. den he damn CB. lol ! make me walk so many place den ask me meet him at the stupid place. went to Cine watch movie cus Vivo's GV is closed. so we cabbed there. after he bought the tickets, we went to Gloria Jeans to waste our time. Wanna pay for my CNC Mocha Blend and NY Cheesecake and his dunno wad drink but he take money damn fast. ZZZ ! so he ended up paying EVERYTHING ! & I NOT CHEAPSKATE OK ! talk cock. eat his cake, eat my cake.
watched the movie. zz. i think the movie is made to fear the shit out of me. FIRST THE SWIMMING POOL, THEN THE POOL'S TOILET, LAST THE THING ABOUT BEING NURSES !! omggg la. stupid movie. after movie cabbed home with John.
realised Cine is damn near my house. zz. only 5 bucks plus midnight charges. ! so people if you wanna watch midnight movies you know who to call !! :))

going sleep now. tml working 12 hours. -.-


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