people people. i didn't exercise today. so sad. raining in the morning. i know it's excuses. but where's my Poly Enrolment Package !!???? omg. it's still not here yet ! i asked ethan bout his. and guess what. he didn't received it too !!!
what the hell is NYP doing huh.. i wanna buy a lappy for myself. but i'm a computer retard. so dunno whats good and whats bad. BOOOOO ! any experts out there? guide me please. :( and as a Health Science student, i need to get my check up on Hep B. >< isit going to be a blood test? freaking pain i heard. help help help people. I wanna go Poly !! i wanna Study !!
calling the school tomorrow. maybe going down to collect the stuff. -.- if it's still not here by tomorrow morning, but i'm starting work at 12pm so maybe will clash. omg la. why so much trouble now !! i wanna study one ok. fringging documents !!

Lyn will go pompom now and go orhorh after she pompom !!


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