ahhh stupid blogger still dont let me upload pictures.
so for pictures, visit my livejournal.



wed : had lifeguard trainings. swam sets. training out endurance. :) i didnt feel tired or what sort ever. and my timing improved while doing the sets of 200m. :D hahhs. camwhored with the girls after we did our tows. hahahas, then the guys joined in. and weijie and terence took some super unglam shots. hahahah but all was fun. went to eat dinner with them. prata. yums.

thurs : ytd swim training. it rained -.- and i had a good chat with hong koon before training and mark when it was raining heavily. hahahas. thanks superstar for the advice ! but i wouldn't bring my hopes up. suck suck suck ! rain stopped and we swam 1.5km of warm-up -.- got damn pissed off with something. like super what the fcuk la. seriously, it's with the attitude and character. moral values. and had polo training. they did the penalty shot and counter attack. and me again, sitting by the side, watching them train. hais.

now im sitting by the pool. waiting to go yishun collect my online shirt -.- going jolene house later ! :)

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