Ashley, promise to stay happy no matter what happens (:

just came back from work with the babe, JOLENE TAN (: haha. had a tiring day at sentosa, & sustained injury to add on to the scraps on my wrist. what the pig* ! hahah (copied from Elgin!)
like wtf, low tide, swam out & all of us kenna biten by SeaBugs. really is WHAT THE PIG* man!
cut on my right toe opened up again -.- like what the f.
2 small cuts on my right calf -.-
cuts on my right toes.
kns super suay. all the cuts on the right side of my body. fook you sentosa's sand!
ok enough of complains !
stupid kuku puki mangkao.<- (dunno how to spell. go figure out yourself.)

worked with nigel pek wen kai ! anws, it was climbrun so jolene babe, leslie, elgin and tm was in sch. (:
working with nigel is funny till the max. and leslie was there to spice things up like totally. hahas, have 4 videos of him doing some stupid stunts. & Nigel was busy with his lucky draws. hahas !
had LS class. PB! hahas, 4mins for item 1. pfft. lose to CJL bybybybybyby a little bit again! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
& during beach training, he shouted "CHERLYN TEO" so i turned & replied "CHNG JIALONG" x)
& Jasmine & Eugene attended beach training like FINALLY! HAHAHAHAHAHAH !

Livejournal people ! hahahahahahahhahahahaha what the toot !


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