must be the late night out ytd ! hahaha, went out with a crazy gay and a golden-haired "monkey". HAHAHAHHAHAA.

ok in details.
SAT : woke up at 7.30 and went to school to work with fang shuai. and the weather was damn bloody hot and we had a bet on ice-cream sundae. WILL RAIN A NOT ? i saw some dark clouds and said "YES" & he said, ok by 2.30 if nvr rain then i needa buy him the sundae. and ok i bought him the strawberry sundae ! haha. and he dried my laptop's batt again with his manga thingy ! and i got the pictures and videos alr ! hahahaha. julian came and took over. :) poor FS had to work FULL SHIFT ! hahahahaa !
went to Lifesaving lesson after knocking off at 3pm. reach about 4.15 and saw the BM class there alr ! so i talk cock with jasmine until yaowen is here. and he asked me to swim 1.5km in 30mins. & i was like HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! hahaha, and he ask me to swim without catching water ! haha. but i made it just on time ! :D and we did item 3 and kept doing tumbleturns. :)) became victims for the BM test, hopefully they passed.
went home and got changed and met ANDY YEK KAH HUI at PS for movie. and DAGE made us wait like so longgggggggggggggggg ! walked around and bought tickets for "The Dark Knight" at 2.30am ! haha. so me and andy went to starbucks and finally, Faith/Bao/TLP/DaGe/DuaAhBeng came! so we chilled at starbucks and literally talk cock, and -(EDITED)- hahaha. we walked around. stopping at random spots and finally went to Galare and chill. and both of them went crazy. throwing prawn cracker down from 3rd floor -.- hahaha. went up for movies and i saw dage slp ! hahaha ! seriously, we were tired ok. haha. after movie, sat outside 7-11 and got scared by some bloody photo booth machine. FIRST, the lights turned on automatically, SECOND, there's this sudden flash, THIRD, a green light flashing that made me and andy thought that it was a paper moving in and out. LIKE WTF ! ahahha. and waited for train and trained home with dage. :)
reached home at 7.15am sunday. had difficulty washing off my eyeliner properly and im running late. so who cares hahaha chiong for training. and today's trainign was fun ! :) but the cut on my toe opened up again and it hurt like mad ! and GABRIEL KEPT ON LANG-GA-ING ME DURING THE SWIM ! hahaha. so we runned, beachflagged, surfed, swim-run, kayaked. :))
went to have lunch at seah im hawker and took 855 with nigel and julian. :) slpt till 6 plus ! haha. and now im still tired. rrushing my projects later !
i have mixed feelings. seriously facing a dilemma now. all on LJ later :)


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