i'm not late for school this week ! hahaha, which means ytd and today, i'm on time for morning lectures ! haahhaah, PROUD OF IT MAN !
had a super long day today. 9am to 6pm with only 1 hr of break. =/
but i spent a bomb on food ! breakfast between morning lectures and lab prac, lunch after lab prac, snacks at shopping arcade for tutorials and bio lectures !
group came to my hse for photo taking session. :)
went to Lot 1 with liyana and margaret for window shopping.
i so wanna get a pair of new heels.
and when are we going to wear formal for presentations?
hahaha, i'm actually looking forward to it.

Last ICA ppt this coming Friday. then it's all exams and trainings.
Next Wednesday is my first paper. & my notes is with Audrey -.- so going to be dead. quite sure that i can't hit the GPA 3.5 aim i set for myself (Leslie set it actually, when we were in the train home after 1 training.)

I'm starting to do what i did last time when i'm feeling fustrated. Either i don't eat, or i eat like nobody's business. and yeap, what all girls dread doing, i'm like freaking gorging on food again. i needa slap myself hard in the face and stop this man. Am I like freaking going mad?

freaking pms now although i'm not having my periods. i wish i could strike out one of the above. i need to wake up early for school, score well for my studies, maintain good relationship with my friends, (i can feel that one is rocky alr.), need to improve my timings & polo skills, want to get into Team A, need to control my spendings and save up, get my necessities, get more swim gears and a real competition suit by year end hopefully & lastly, Y O U .

I'm no superwoman, I'm just a regular girl in this world, so just give me a break will you? Thanks.


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