hahaha, been tagged to do the following quiz !

First 20 ppl which come to my mind .
1. Mark !
2. JoleneTan
3. TM
4. Jesse
5. JieYing
6. Leslie
7. Elgin
8. Melissa Choo
9. JoleneWong
10. Melody
11. Andy Ou
12. Hong koon
13. Aik khuan
14. TerenceTan
15. Brandon
16. Gariel
17. Ashley
18. Jiamin
19. Liping
20. Faith !

How did you meet 14 ?
- Terence, polo trials!

What would you do if you never met 1 ?
- Mark! Miserable without superstar. Gd advices given to all problems, nice polo teachings given

What if 9 & 20 are fated ?
- JoleneWong & Faith. my life would be horrible hahaahaha !

Will 6 & 17 date ?
- Leslie & Ashley. Nahh, thou ashley is cute. Leslie will stay Loyal to his scandal. :)

Describe 3 .
- TM. HOT! Totally.

Is 8 attractive ?
- MelissaChoo. See her swim and be attracted totally !

Do you know 12's family members ?
- Hong Koon. LOL ! wth his family members?

What if 18 confess to you that he or she like you ?
- Jiamin, i will slap her and tell her im straight ! haha

What language does 15 speaks ?
- Brandon. English, Chinese, and hokkien(vulgarites) LOL?

Who's going out with 9 ?
- JoleneWong. Her bf, Timmy.

How old is 16 ?
- Gariel. 17.

When do u last speak to 13 ?
- Aik Khuan, just now during swim trials.

Who is the 2 fave singer ?
- JoleneTan, omg i dunno ?

Would you ever date with 4 ?
- Jesse, hahah nopes !

Will you ever date with 17 ?
- Ashley. Hahah, nope!

What's 10 last name ?
- Melody CHOW.

School of 3 ?

Where does 6 lives ?
- Leslie, Clementi !

What is ur favourite thing of 5 ?
- JieYing. Her advices, her talks and her everything

Have u ever seen 2 naked ?
- JoleneTan. Nope ! haha.

5 person to do this test .
- Mark!, Ashley, Melissa, JoleneWong, Faith!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

i never.

You can either make or break my day.

I'm sorry for letting you have those feelings.
So much efforts to assure you, in vain.
Maybe I did it wrong.

It wasn't easy for us to come this far, I hope you don't let go.
I'll give you time. As much as you need.

I'm upset.
Does this spell it clearly enough to you?

I'm sorry.

hey you hey you.

First 20 ppl which come to my mind .
1. Yihong
2. Rosental
3. Cherlyn
4. Rachel
5. Huai Xin
6. Deborah
7. Darren
8. TM
9. Leslie
10. Jesse
11. Clarence
12. Tong Leh
13. Justina
14. Weijie
15. Wenqi
16. Julian
17. Atiqah
18. Zheng Ee
19. Benson
20. Nigel

How did you meet 14 ?
- Weijie, in school, Lifeguards.

What would you do if you never met 1 ?
- Yihong, life would be unpredictable. I have no idea.

What if 9 & 20 are fated ?
- Leslie and Nigel, as friends?

Will 6 & 17 date ?
- Deborah and Atiqah? Err, no, I don't think so.

Describe 3 .
- Cherlyn, fun-loving, bubbly, nice girl to talk to, trustworthy.

Is 8 attractive ?
- TM, yeah, of course.

Do you know 12's family members ?
- Tong leh, nope.

What if 18 confess to you that he or she like you ?
- Zheng Ee, hmmm. He's happily attached. So am I.

What language does 15 speaks ?
- Wenqi, english, mandrin, teochew/hokkien?

Who's going out with 9 ?
- Leslie, I'm not sure.

How old is 16 ?
- Julian, 19 this year. I think.

When do u last speak to 13 ?
- Justina, just now during stats lecture.

Who is the 2 fave singer ?
- Favourite singer. Oh no, I don't know Rosey's favourite singer.

Would you ever date with 4 ?
- Rachel. Err, no. LOL.

Will you ever date with 17 ?
- Atiqah, nope.

What's 10 last name ?
- Jesse, Ho.

School of 3 ?
- Cherlyn, NYP, SHS.

Where does 6 lives ?
- Deborah, around Seng Kang?

What is ur favourite thing of 5 ?
- Huai Xin, her leadership and sincerity.

Have u ever seen 2 naked ?
- Rosental, think no.

5 person to do this test .
- Yihong, Cherlyn, Justina, Wenqi, Jesse.


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